When planning architectural projects existing buildings and their concepts are often used as a source for inspiration. The information about existing buildings however is available in various representations and locations. This diversity of information makes it hard for architects to find useful information like plans of buildings related to their projects. The “ar:searchbox” project is a cooperative initiative by the Chair for Architectural Informatics and the TUM University Library. It uses mediaTUM, an open source software developed at the TUM, to store information about architectural projects in a central repository. The goal of the ‘ar:searchbox.app’ project is to design and implement a mobile client software to the mediaTUM repository that allows architects to acquire building information and upload them into the repository using their smartphone. The main focus hereby is to enable entering new and enriching existing building information as well as search functions in an intuitive and efficient way.
TUM – University Library | TUM – Chair for Architectural Informatics
Student – TUM: Alexander Sahm