Student: Fabio Gonzalez
The prefabrication of building components uses resources efficiently and sustainably, and saves labor, time, and money. Industrial prefabrication will be even more important in the future, but to this day the design process is conducted by individual people. This approach focuses on the development of a scenario implying that parametric design tools are used to affect the design process in a positive way. As an example a building with an automatic crane system is considered. A system that delivers individual modules at different time intervals in order for components to be replaced. As the transportation system should be as efficient as possible, the positions of the modules must be carefully planned. The difficulty here is that the modules are placed in groups rather than individually.
This approach seeks to develop a Grasshopper definition which automates the process of positioning the modules and facilitates the work of the architect. Before the whole process can be simulated there must first be the basic structure of the building. Structure such as the number of floors, the size of the modules, containing information such as the sum of the modules in a group. This is done first by using the architecture plugin in Gephi. The data can then be linked into the developed definition with Grasshopper and Rhino in order to obtain a three-dimensional visualization of the simulation.